About this site
Read this first. This site has one purpose – to bust myths about Open Educational Resources! There are two parts – a mythbusting guide and a quick introduction to OER.

About this site
Read this first. This site has one purpose – to bust myths about Open Educational Resources! There are two parts – a mythbusting guide and a quick introduction to OER.

Download the PDF guide
The content of this web guide is also available as a PDF file. The PDF version includes both the Basic Guide to OER and the OER Mythbusting parts, as well as an introduction.

Download the PDF guide
The content of this web guide is also available as a PDF file. The PDF version includes both the Basic Guide to OER and the OER Mythbusting parts, as well as an introduction.

OER are too complex and scattered for teachers to use
In most circumstances and for more teachers, who are already ICT qualified, the level of assurance you get from OER materials is enough. Most of the teachers and students use resources found on the Internet, often without any consideration about

OER are too complex and scattered for teachers to use
In most circumstances and for more teachers, who are already ICT qualified, the level of assurance you get from OER materials is enough. Most of the teachers and students use resources found on the Internet, often without any consideration about

OER are not really free
Open Educational resources are free because they are available under free licenses and they allow anyone to use and modify them for free. They can be free in terms of cost for the end user though it doesn’t mean they

OER are not really free
Open Educational resources are free because they are available under free licenses and they allow anyone to use and modify them for free. They can be free in terms of cost for the end user though it doesn’t mean they

OER are not able to generate revenue so they can not be a business model
OER, same as open source, can create revenue in many different and successful ways. From services like search engines or platforms built around resources, selling custom versions or providing implementations. From a business perspective OER projects are more like startups

OER are not able to generate revenue so they can not be a business model
OER, same as open source, can create revenue in many different and successful ways. From services like search engines or platforms built around resources, selling custom versions or providing implementations. From a business perspective OER projects are more like startups

OER are not sustainable
Discussing sustainability of OER is a rather complex issue and depends on many factors. It is very strongly linked to the business approach and can be guaranteed by choosing (adequate) business models that generate revenue. The sustainability becomes a priority

OER are not sustainable
Discussing sustainability of OER is a rather complex issue and depends on many factors. It is very strongly linked to the business approach and can be guaranteed by choosing (adequate) business models that generate revenue. The sustainability becomes a priority

OER are forcing internationalisation and common core standards to different educational systems
One of the main values of OER is that they can be used worldwide independently of the system of education and national curricula frameworks. Those OER which licenses guarantee freedom of re-use and distribution can be localised and adapted to

OER are forcing internationalisation and common core standards to different educational systems
One of the main values of OER is that they can be used worldwide independently of the system of education and national curricula frameworks. Those OER which licenses guarantee freedom of re-use and distribution can be localised and adapted to

There are many OER available under different licenses. It’s the same level of difficulty to recognize and legally use compatible materials
This is true that OER published under particular Creative Commons licence may not be compatible with each other but traditional copyright is not straightforward either and may lead to even more questions than compatibility of CC licences itself. The first

There are many OER available under different licenses. It’s the same level of difficulty to recognize and legally use compatible materials
This is true that OER published under particular Creative Commons licence may not be compatible with each other but traditional copyright is not straightforward either and may lead to even more questions than compatibility of CC licences itself. The first

Authors will not agree to such terms of open publication
Considering this issue from the very formal point of view, authors by signing a contract for creating a work (or by developing it as part of their duties) very often agree to transfer copyrights on fields of use defined in

Authors will not agree to such terms of open publication
Considering this issue from the very formal point of view, authors by signing a contract for creating a work (or by developing it as part of their duties) very often agree to transfer copyrights on fields of use defined in

OER support IT industry profit by forcing schools and teachers to buy more IT equipment
A common impression of forcing schools and teachers to buy new hardware might have been caused on one hand by the scope of different OER initiatives and programmes in which development of OER is in line with process of equipping

OER support IT industry profit by forcing schools and teachers to buy more IT equipment
A common impression of forcing schools and teachers to buy new hardware might have been caused on one hand by the scope of different OER initiatives and programmes in which development of OER is in line with process of equipping

OER are applicable only for distance learning or highly digital/ICT fulled education
Although the use of OER very often supports ICT education and most of popular OER projects are digital, OER and digital resources are not synonyms. Openly licensed content is produced in any medium: paper-based text, video, audio or computer-based multimedia.

OER are applicable only for distance learning or highly digital/ICT fulled education
Although the use of OER very often supports ICT education and most of popular OER projects are digital, OER and digital resources are not synonyms. Openly licensed content is produced in any medium: paper-based text, video, audio or computer-based multimedia.

OER deepen digital divide in educational system
OER are dedicated to eliminate the education divide by making high-quality learning materials freely available to educators and learners around the world. A common mistake made when talking about OERs is that they are the same as digital resources which

OER deepen digital divide in educational system
OER are dedicated to eliminate the education divide by making high-quality learning materials freely available to educators and learners around the world. A common mistake made when talking about OERs is that they are the same as digital resources which

Public funded OER can led to politics dependent textbooks/resources
How educational resources are funded depends on a country, in many of which textbooks and other resources are already publicly funded (or co-sponsored) and selection and certification process of such resources also depends on educational system. What creates highest risk

Public funded OER can led to politics dependent textbooks/resources
How educational resources are funded depends on a country, in many of which textbooks and other resources are already publicly funded (or co-sponsored) and selection and certification process of such resources also depends on educational system. What creates highest risk
OER adoption is just too radical for my institution
Adopting an OER program does not mean that you have to throw away all your closed resources on day one. A lot of OER are developed as a supplement to the current teaching methods, especially in primary and secondary education
OER adoption is just too radical for my institution
Adopting an OER program does not mean that you have to throw away all your closed resources on day one. A lot of OER are developed as a supplement to the current teaching methods, especially in primary and secondary education

OER can led to using unverified materials by teachers and students
The level of assurance you can get from OER materials can be the same as with traditional materials: high when from institutionally reviewed process, lower when not reviewed or just found on the web. It depends on the country, but

OER can led to using unverified materials by teachers and students
The level of assurance you can get from OER materials can be the same as with traditional materials: high when from institutionally reviewed process, lower when not reviewed or just found on the web. It depends on the country, but

Teachers need more time and work to adapt OER
Discussing teachers’ work on preparation and adoption of learning materials is a much more complex issue and depends on many factors. Changes to resource-based learning which are happening recently are a part of increased work time needed for teachers to

Teachers need more time and work to adapt OER
Discussing teachers’ work on preparation and adoption of learning materials is a much more complex issue and depends on many factors. Changes to resource-based learning which are happening recently are a part of increased work time needed for teachers to

OER’s are damaging authors intellectual property and their profits
The Open Educational Resources’ idea is build upon high respect for both authors’ and users’ rights. Common use of Creative Commons (and other free licenses) for licensing open materials is a guarantee of precise information about rights and proper attribution.

OER’s are damaging authors intellectual property and their profits
The Open Educational Resources’ idea is build upon high respect for both authors’ and users’ rights. Common use of Creative Commons (and other free licenses) for licensing open materials is a guarantee of precise information about rights and proper attribution.

OER will replace well developed publishing models and their high quality work
Open Educational Resources are produced in various ways, same as traditional materials and can be subject to review process the same way. Quality management of OER can be as robust and professional as possible or it can be done after

OER will replace well developed publishing models and their high quality work
Open Educational Resources are produced in various ways, same as traditional materials and can be subject to review process the same way. Quality management of OER can be as robust and professional as possible or it can be done after

OER’s will damage publishing market
What damages the publishing market is not openness, it is the low adaptability to changes brought by new technologies. Open Educational Resources bring more competitiveness and disruption into educational publishing market but they are not damaging it. Instead OER bring

OER’s will damage publishing market
What damages the publishing market is not openness, it is the low adaptability to changes brought by new technologies. Open Educational Resources bring more competitiveness and disruption into educational publishing market but they are not damaging it. Instead OER bring

OER cannot be produced professionally
Open Educational Resources can be produced in various ways like traditional materials and can be subject to review processes the same way. Most of textbooks are authored by professionals and the small atomic resources we find on the web are

OER cannot be produced professionally
Open Educational Resources can be produced in various ways like traditional materials and can be subject to review processes the same way. Most of textbooks are authored by professionals and the small atomic resources we find on the web are