Posts Tagged 'teachers'

OER are too complex and scattered for teachers to use
In most circumstances and for more teachers, who are already ICT qualified, the level of assurance you get from OER materials is enough. Most of the teachers and students use resources found on the Internet, often without any consideration about

OER are too complex and scattered for teachers to use
In most circumstances and for more teachers, who are already ICT qualified, the level of assurance you get from OER materials is enough. Most of the teachers and students use resources found on the Internet, often without any consideration about

There are many OER available under different licenses. It’s the same level of difficulty to recognize and legally use compatible materials
This is true that OER published under particular Creative Commons licence may not be compatible with each other but traditional copyright is not straightforward either and may lead to even more questions than compatibility of CC licences itself. The first

There are many OER available under different licenses. It’s the same level of difficulty to recognize and legally use compatible materials
This is true that OER published under particular Creative Commons licence may not be compatible with each other but traditional copyright is not straightforward either and may lead to even more questions than compatibility of CC licences itself. The first

OER can led to using unverified materials by teachers and students
The level of assurance you can get from OER materials can be the same as with traditional materials: high when from institutionally reviewed process, lower when not reviewed or just found on the web. It depends on the country, but

OER can led to using unverified materials by teachers and students
The level of assurance you can get from OER materials can be the same as with traditional materials: high when from institutionally reviewed process, lower when not reviewed or just found on the web. It depends on the country, but

Teachers need more time and work to adapt OER
Discussing teachers’ work on preparation and adoption of learning materials is a much more complex issue and depends on many factors. Changes to resource-based learning which are happening recently are a part of increased work time needed for teachers to

Teachers need more time and work to adapt OER
Discussing teachers’ work on preparation and adoption of learning materials is a much more complex issue and depends on many factors. Changes to resource-based learning which are happening recently are a part of increased work time needed for teachers to