Posts Tagged 'publishing'

OER are not sustainable
Discussing sustainability of OER is a rather complex issue and depends on many factors. It is very strongly linked to the business approach and can be guaranteed by choosing (adequate) business models that generate revenue. The sustainability becomes a priority

OER are not sustainable
Discussing sustainability of OER is a rather complex issue and depends on many factors. It is very strongly linked to the business approach and can be guaranteed by choosing (adequate) business models that generate revenue. The sustainability becomes a priority

Authors will not agree to such terms of open publication
Considering this issue from the very formal point of view, authors by signing a contract for creating a work (or by developing it as part of their duties) very often agree to transfer copyrights on fields of use defined in

Authors will not agree to such terms of open publication
Considering this issue from the very formal point of view, authors by signing a contract for creating a work (or by developing it as part of their duties) very often agree to transfer copyrights on fields of use defined in

Public funded OER can led to politics dependent textbooks/resources
How educational resources are funded depends on a country, in many of which textbooks and other resources are already publicly funded (or co-sponsored) and selection and certification process of such resources also depends on educational system. What creates highest risk

Public funded OER can led to politics dependent textbooks/resources
How educational resources are funded depends on a country, in many of which textbooks and other resources are already publicly funded (or co-sponsored) and selection and certification process of such resources also depends on educational system. What creates highest risk

OER’s are damaging authors intellectual property and their profits
The Open Educational Resources’ idea is build upon high respect for both authors’ and users’ rights. Common use of Creative Commons (and other free licenses) for licensing open materials is a guarantee of precise information about rights and proper attribution.

OER’s are damaging authors intellectual property and their profits
The Open Educational Resources’ idea is build upon high respect for both authors’ and users’ rights. Common use of Creative Commons (and other free licenses) for licensing open materials is a guarantee of precise information about rights and proper attribution.

OER’s will damage publishing market
What damages the publishing market is not openness, it is the low adaptability to changes brought by new technologies. Open Educational Resources bring more competitiveness and disruption into educational publishing market but they are not damaging it. Instead OER bring

OER’s will damage publishing market
What damages the publishing market is not openness, it is the low adaptability to changes brought by new technologies. Open Educational Resources bring more competitiveness and disruption into educational publishing market but they are not damaging it. Instead OER bring